Wednesday, March 16, 2011

moving day!

it feels so nice to be able to get back on the internet after not having it for about 5 days.  we did not have internet or TV or anything of that matter because we MOVED!! 4 years in waiting and it is finally here! we officially moved in 4 days ago so we are still living in boxes but slowly we are unpacking everything.  this new house is such a blessing, and only the Lord could have made this happen.  we have been looking and looking at different houses over the past 4 or so years. we looked at this house over and year ago and had to let it go because there was no way we would be able to swing the deal.  a year later the Lord is still so faithful and the deal was going to work this time! so after praying and praying, here we are! it feels like we are living in a dream or on vacation. it does not seems real yet.  im sure that will wear off but for now we are all loving it! it is a little bit of a bummer that i will only be here for another 5 months but im happy that my family is able to have more space and we no longer have to live on top of each other.  the Lord is faithful to answer always, we just need to be patient to wait on HIS timing and HIS answers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nichole, found your blog and it's pretty sweet (just like your house)!

    Follow me!
